Monday, September 28, 2009

Oprah, Ash and AB's baby!!

I just watched the Oprah episode where Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai were invited on a show about International celebrities. Aishwarya was her usual giggly self - mercifully a lot more toned down version of what we saw on 60 minutes a couple of years ago. Abhishek was poise personified.

Watching them together made me realize that he is not afraid to call BS on Ms. Rai's affected mannerisms which is what probably makes them tick. For instance while she giggled about his proposal being very "real" - he asked audibly "Real?". I respected the dude a little more in those couple of seconds. A guy who could easily be overshadowed by his dad's meteoric fame and his wife's global popularity (she is definitely much much more famous than he is) appeared to hold his own and then some on the Oprah show. Now for Ash, Ash fans brace yourselves. While she appears to have improved a lot with respect to her interview skills, she still has a long way to go. A simple question from the other International star showcased on the show, the Oprah of China, regarding when they would come visit China met with a long convoluted response which had little to do with the question itself. I wonder if Abhishek cringes internally every time his beautiful wife speaks. She appears to be very fake and very calculative with her responses - it's almost as if she does not answer the question straight from the heart - it's more like what does my audience want/expect to hear and how can I exceed those expectations... I think I like her a lot more when she keeps her mouth shut.

Overall though I thought the interview went well and they were able to represent India adequately - at least I, as an Indian, did not want to crawl into a hole as I've been want to do whenever I've watched Aishwarya on international TV (60 minutes, The David Letterman show anyone?) and for that I have to give kudos to Abhishek Bachchan. On behalf of avid celebrity watchers everywhere, I demand that the lady never be interviewed by herself anymore - gimme more of AB's baby on all her appearances.


  1. Oh i agree with your assessment wholeheartedly! He is so well spoken and I love his accent. She on the other hand, tries to put on an American accent and falls flat on her face. I cringe every time I see her talking.

    The only thing that left me baffled is when he said we live at home and its quite normal? Really?? is it normal in Mumbai for a grown man and woman to continue living with their parents? I moved to the US years ago but have many friends there who do not live with their parents! Am i missing something?!

  2. Hey its really been a while since i visited your site have been kind of busy with something else:) Anyway its funny how you said "at least I, as an Indian, did not want to crawl into a hole as I've been want to do whenever I've watched Aishwarya on international TV" and that's exactly what i wanted to do when i saw her on the letterman show and i think she was also on the jay leno show. God exact feeling wanted to crawl into a hole.

    I missed the oprah show. But must say i saw AB's baby during one of his interviews and really started liking him from that point. I don't remember its been a while. but yes he is very good during interviews. THINKS Before he talks:)

  3. Nandita: I just caught that show online - so bizarre. And it's almost as if Ash has one personality for Americans (one as if her life is an open book - ask what you like - I can handle it) and back home in India she has a totally different outlook (one life is way too personal to discuss with any of you) very random. Actually, I thought they seemed to defensive on every question and felt like they needed to have a 'come back' answer to them. But ya, as always Abhishek does come across more mature and sensible..oh..and 'real' :)
    I thought Ash's 'kiss me, baby' was just hilarious!! felt like kindergarten and I think she was aiming 'kewl' :)

  4. @Anonymous - Yes - I agree that his accent was much more real than hers was. That's the problem with her - she tries too hard and the sad part is am sure she doesn't have to if she would just be. I kind of understand where she is coming from though when she says it's normal for someone to live at home with their parents even as grownups - it sometimes happens that one goes to school, work and lives their entire lives in the same city and consequently ends up living at home. That sometimes does change after the son/daughter gets married but I have known quite a few folks that have simply not needed to leave home as we know it.
    @Mamata - so glad you browsed through again - You should look for the interview online... if I find a copy I will forward it to you.
    @Nandita - agree completely with your assessment that they were a bit too defensive when Oprah was just having fun. Oh yeah - I lovvvved the "Kiss me baby" ;)
