Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mia Michaels is a genius

So I wasn't going to blog about today's So you think you can dance episode but this dance routine choreographed by Mia Michaels was simply fabulous and I had to comment.

This week's episode began with Melissa and Ade dancing the disco - now this is one couple that I have always liked - they've done a great job so far but today's disco left me feeling a bit blah! Not that they weren't good but they were not great! This boy can move!!

The second routine by the afore-mentioned Mia Michaels left me speechless (but thankfully not wordless because I am still writing - okay poor attempt at a joke - ha ha). The dancers did a great job portraying Addiction which was the theme of the piece. Now I am not a fan of Mia Michaels, the person (she is always so high-handed and bitchy while giving her feedback) but have always been a fan of Mia, the choreographer (viewers of the show cannot forget the routine she put together last season with Twitch and Kherington and a bed - yes you read right - a bed - you can watch it here)

The third couple, Caitlin (my nickname for her is Britney Spears because I swear she looks like the songstress with certain camera angles) and Jason were doing the fox-trot. These guys have consistently been in the bottom 3 for a few episodes now - I actually like their dancing usually. Today was no different but I am not sure that they will be safe.

Jeanine and Phillip are also doing good in this competition this far - they performed a Russian folk dance. I wasn't quite sure if they'd be able to pull it off but I was pleasantly surprised. Their costumes were cute and the dancing lively. Boo to Nigel - he gave them some not so good reviews but he agreed that it wasn't the dancers' fault but the choreography.

Randi and Evan had Tabitha and Napolean who choreographed a hip-hop routine for them. T&N are consistently good - I usually like everything they do. Once again it was good - I was not disappointed. This routine reminded me of a dance performance by Allison and Ivan (video quality is not too good but it was the only one I found)- it was hip-hop with an umbrella for a prop.

Brandon and Jeanette did the Argentine tango - Brandon didn't have much to do but provided good support - Jeanette was awesome. They got a standing ovation from the judges. Excellent footwork!!

At the end of Round 1, I must say that Kayla and Koppono with the Mia routine are at the top of my list followed by the Argentine Tango. Noone was bad but unfortunately tomorrow, 2 dancers will have to leave.

Round 2 (I am limiting this to highlights else this post is going to be really really long):
Melissa & Ade - loved loved loved the waltz.
Kayla & Kopono's Broadway - okay for me.
Caitlin & Jason - Their performance BLEW ME AWAY. They've climbed to the top of my list with this routine. Mandy Moore is someone to watch out for - she is consistently excellent in her choreography. I completely disagree with Mary Murphy - there was magic tonight.
Jeanine & Phillip - They're growing on me. Jeanine is the hubby's favourite.
Randi & Evan - Saw the return of Pasha and Anya as choreographers - the dance number itself was HOT but not Randi and Evan's forte unfortunately.
Jeanette & Brandon - a Wade Robson routine - fabulous way to end the night.

The End - Phew!!!!

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